Claudia- 1300-1500?? Sorry that I have not been accurate the last couple days. When I total up my calories, it's 1300, but it feels like I've eaten more than that.
exercise- none. again.
Natasha- 1350 no exercise. Too tired..muscles too sore..
Calories: Claudia- 1540 (ate too much at dinner, went over, and now I can't have my evening snack) Natasha- 1330 Exercise: Claudia- None yet. Natasha-60 minutes water aerobics, 375 yard swim
Happy Monday everybody! Hope you all are doing well and controlling your eating and enjoying Christ!
Calories:Claudia- don't know??? I ate 560 before we left the house, and then we went to Golden Corral (I ate lots of salad and veggies, and a little shrimp, steak & banana pudding). I think it's safe to say I have eaten my fill : ) I won't take any chances, and I feel very satisfied right now. Natasha- 1650..but it was all healthy..veggies, fruit and meat. I went over because I had added sunflower seeds to my salad and had some soy it was healthy fat that I went over with. See how I am trying to make it sound better! Hope you are walking right now Claudia! Let's talk tomorrow..
Exercise:Claudia- NONE. Maybe I'll go walk right now and come back and change that------>> I did walk! Only for 15 minutes, and it was very slow b/c my tummy was still full, but at least I did something : ) Natasha-30 minutes on ellipitcal trainer. very tired!
We are truly sorry for our long absent from posting on our blog. For myself, I think I was taking this time to become totally self-absorbed and not being willing to keep up with my eating program. While I did to continue to exercise and enjoy that, I just did not want to make the effort to eat healthy. To practice self-control. Claudia and I met really early this morning after having a two week break of not meeting. IT was a great time of prayer and to reset some goals. First, I must be in the Word daily. I must be in prayer daily, througout the day. And we also will be posting our calorie intake every day. So, here is my number today..Not too good.. 1850.
My calories for today: 1640. Our goal is under 1500 every day. ~Claudia
Hello Friends! Yes, it is actually us, Claudia and Natasha, reporting in again to give you a quick update. Sorry it's been so long. I (Claudia) have 2 sort-of "jobs" now and it's just crazy how busy and hectic it has been for me. I hardly have time to breathe. And when I do breathe, it's very erratic breathing. I am serious, I just go a mile a minute from one thing to the next, and then I just crash at the end of the day.
So, I hope you'll forgive us! Natasha and I have been doing very well meeting together each week and praying together, but these last 2 weeks we have not been able to meet, and haven't even talked on the phone much, so we feel very disconnected right now.
Not a good thing.
This week, we are getting together again and hopefully get back on track.
I hope you all are doing well! Thanks so much for your faithfulness!
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Welcome to our weblog! Claudia and Natasha started this blog because we want very much to be an encouragement to you as we share an area of our lives that is consistently a struggle--our eating habits. Both of us have lots of weight to lose, but more importantly than that, we want to show the world how much we treasure our Lord Jesus Christ in the way that we eat and care for our bodies. We invite you to share your stories and struggles with us as well, and we hope that we can benefit mutually from each other!