Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weigh in

Happy Valentine Day! Claudia and I had a good week, with a one pound lose for Claudia and two for myself. This is definitely a huge Praise! We are both still working through many kinks in this journey. Claudia was not feeling well physically this week and was not able to exercise much. She is trying to get back into that routine. I did exercise 4 days this week, and felt wonderful. Of course, working out takes time and I find myself staying up later and not sleeping enough. It is a combination of having adrenaline from working out and trying to get all the other things done that I would have done in that time I was exercising. I used to go to the gym in the morning before work, which is like 5a.m. But, I didn't do anything in the evenings then. I would go home, eat dinner, watch t.v. Now, I have a house to maintain and church activities, and most important my personal time with God. Then, there is t.v. and many shows to catch up on. So, I am praying and seeking how to manage my priorities and time.
Another struggle both of us are having is journaling our food intake. That is just pure laziness on both of our parts. No excuses. We need to be more diligent about this. Studies also show that people are more successful at weight loss when they journal their food.

Claudia and I are so grateful for those who read this. We are praying for you!

Praise you Jesus!


1 comment:

Joan said...

Way to go you two! Keep up the good work.
Happy Valentine's Day!