Sorry for my late weigh-in again! We didn't weight til Saturday this time. I was so dreading it. I knew I had gained weight. I could just feel it! I gained 3.
I have got to get serious. I just got so lazy last week and took a break from my normal routine, partly so I could focus on cleaning and cooking for Thanksgiving.
So, I am praying, praying, praying that I will step it up this week by spending more time with the Lord, offering myself to Him every morning, by exercising THREE times this week (increasing it from 2 a week) and by just being more conscious of what I am eating and taking the time to write it all down and adding up the points.
I don't know what I would do if I didn't have the Lord. If I didn't have the security of knowing that He loves me and He accepts me no matter what, because of what Jesus has done for me. I would be in complete despair if I didn't have Him! Thank you, Lord.
THe purpose of Anchor Friday is to get people together. Each week we post and then visit each other and leave comments. You pretty much can post about anything or you can post a response to what is posted on my blog. It's totally up to you. If you leave a link the others are suppost to go to your blog and read the post and leave a comment. It can be a conversation of sorts or just to know someone is following your progress. No set rules for you to post. I will always try to use scripture and close in prayer for the group. Hope that helps and God Bless.
You will do great this week. Good job on your exercise yesterday..Two more times to go! You can do it!
That 3 pounds will be gone in no time!
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