Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weigh In

As we weighed in this week, I was not happy. The scale was not my friend. I had gained 6 pounds. Now, mind you, this was over two weeks. But, needless to say, this is not good.

In all seriousness, I have not been recording my food intake, nor have I been exercising like I should be. So, now I am picking myself up again. Again. I exercised Friday afternoon and yesterday. I have followed my eating program, and wrote everything down. Yes, I am not happy about this. I don't really feel like doing this, but I know that I have to. I want to feel better about myself. I want to be healthier. Most of all, I want to honor God. I do not want to separate myself from Him.

Another thing that Claudia and I talked about was the fact that we are not giving God the first fruit of our time each day. We made a commitment this week to do just that thing. Of course, I also suggested the all day fast the day before Thanksgiving. Wasn't that a funny post by her? I am serious about that. I am addicted to sugar and need to break that. I need to realize that Thursday is not a free pass to sin!

With all of that said. I know that God still loves me. I need to remember that. God is not surprised by my sin. Of course, it is not an excuse to sin, just a reminder that I can approach God at all times. He still loves me.

Praise you Jesus!

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