I woke up this morning feeling glad. Glad because after a very long, difficult day of fasting yesterday, I now can eat.
Natasha and I decided we are going to fast once a month, and yesterday was our first time. No, this is not a weight-loss tactic. We want to fast in the biblical way and that is, to fast and PRAY. Pray for ourselves to honor God in our eating and in the way we care for our bodies.
It's amazing how fasting makes me think about God more, and my relationship with Him. Yes, fasting also makes me think about food more, BUT, when I think about food and how much I want it, I always ask myself, "Do I ever want God this much? Do I ever ache to have God like this?" And the answer is always, "no."
But I want to!! I want so badly to have stomach pains and a headache and lack of concentration when I don't get God's word in me and spend time with Him. I want it to affect me like that. I want to desire God more than my daily bread. I want to find my satisfaction in God regardless of if I get satisfaction from food.
So, last night, I was so hungry when I went to bed. And at first, the only thing that was keeping me from eating was Natasha. I couldn't bear the thought of telling her the next day that I blew the fast. But then, as I lay myself down, I started thinking about people in the world who have to feel like this everyday. They don't get to eat everyday. They don't know where their next meal is coming from. And here I am, I have a whole kitchen stocked with food, and I know I will get to eat the next day.
So, I stopped complaining and went to sleep.
When I woke up, I wasn't feeling the same hunger pains that I went to bed with. So, I was glad. I was able to just take my morning in stride, and not raid the refrigerator and start stuffing my face. I just made my coffee, toasted my bagel and enjoyed my break-fast.
God is so good to me. I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
I also read this article this morning that has nothing to do with eating, but it sort of piggy-backs off what Natasha said in her post yesterday about trusting Jesus to fight our battles for us. Here's the key verse:
“We are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you. (2 Chronicles 20:12)
I LOVE that verse!! We do not know what to do but our eyes are on You!! You really should read this story from 2 Chronicles 20 about Jehoshaphat facing the armies of Moab, Edom and Ammon. God is so amazing.
Do You Want The Best?
8 years ago
I love that you thought about how so many people go to bed in that situation everyday....It is amazing what we can make it through. God Bless You!
Love your blog and your song list!
MJ- thank you so much. I am always burdened by the plight of so many people in this world, like Christians who are persecuted for their faith and suffer so much. When I think about that, it pretty much makes me quit my whining : )
sunny days- thank you! hope you continue visiting us. God bless!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm just popping by yours to take a peak. Funny you should talk about spiritual fasting -- I've done it before and experienced such wonderful times with the Lord and I've felt led to do it again, but have been reluctant because of the physical pain of it...hmmm. Maybe the Lord is telling me something yet again via your blog! I got started on spiritual fasting when I studied The Lord's Table with Setting Captives Free (have you checked it out? There's a link on my blog.) What an amazing experience that has been.
I'm going to read more on your blog!
D- that is so awesome! I like Setting Captives Free....a man in our church serves with them. I have seen their brochure, but not their website. I will be sure to check it out thru your link.
Natasha and I are actually going to fast once a month for a whole month, and then once a week for just one meal.
I agree with you...it is an amazing experience and I grow so close to the Lord through it. It is hard, but it's hardship that God uses to mold us and change us, which is what we want more than physical comfort, right??
Thanks so much for stopping by; I look forward to more convo's with you ; )
Oops, we aren't going to fast once a month for a whole month--duh! For a whole DAY is what I meant to say :o)
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